About this site

Ichthyosis it out is an independent publication launched in February 2023 by Duong Thi Thanh Mai. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Ichthyosis it out to continue to reach other people.

Hello, this is Mai on the line! You are visiting my brand new website that's just getting started recently.

As a carrier of Ichthyosis vulgaris, I would like to share, for the first time, my stories and experiences. The stories somehow will show that Ichthyosis contributes to me being a person like who I am today.

If Ichthyosis is not familiar to you, please take this as an opportunity to learn about something new. If you have heard about Ichthyosis before, I hope that my stories will be accepted with an open heart and empathy. Life is more interesting thanks to how different we are one from each other.

I hope that every moment you spend on reading my stories will bring you some positive energy by the end of the day.

Please subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date with my silliness and receive emails when new content is published!

Love to us all!